International contemporary art exhibition < A P O - C A L Y P S E > Exposition Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Clarens/Montreux (CH) – 16.11. - 21.12.2012
Einzweidrei is an Association of Vevey artists founded in 2006. Its objective is to organise cultural events and manage its activities with a view to serving as a platform for contemporary creation. The Association is independent and non-profit. With this in view, Einzweidrei has organised several collective exhibitions, published a limited edition, collaborated in the production of videos of artists, and helped several of its members to occupy workshops in the former prison in Vevey. The Collective’s approach is mainly along political and sociological lines. Much of the Collective’s work involves bringing together young artists and established or even international artists.

Members of Einzweidrei
Nicolas Christol: chairman
Nicholas Marolf: secretary
Mélane Zumbrunnen: treasurer
Clémentine Bossard
Anna Schlaeppi
Anne Bourgeois Meier
Fabienne Mollard

Organisation Apo-calypse
Nicolas Christol: general coordinator
Nicholas Marolf: scenography, lectures
Mélane Zumbrunnen: press relations
Clémentine Bossard: production
Anna Schlaeppi: production

Graphics: Sébastien Gonin
LUFF: Julien Bodivit, Pauline Lalondrelle
Oriental: Nicolas Gerber, Eloïse Weiss-Dubray
Mashine: Morgane Ischer