International contemporary art exhibition < A P O - C A L Y P S E > Exposition Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Clarens/Montreux (CH) – 16.11. - 21.12.2012
Anne Bourgeois Meier
Anne Bourgeois Meier practises painting and collage on a variety of subject matter, from personal to universal, including stories and religious themes. She has exhibited in various places in Switzerland, including the Espace Arlaud in Lausanne, the Nane Cailler gallery in Pully and the Jenisch Museum in Vevey. Her works are represented in several private and public collections such as at the Banque Cantonale Vaudoise and the Bibliothèque Cantonale Vaudoise.
Born in Vevey in 1956
Lives and works in Vevey

Alep 2012
Cardboard, painting, plaster masks, hay, slate, 2012