International contemporary art exhibition < A P O - C A L Y P S E > Exposition Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Clarens/Montreux (CH) – 16.11. - 21.12.2012
Finissage / fanzine Mashine
Friday 21 December – 5:30 pm

By way of a finish and final thrill before our world disappears, the team at fanzine Mashine will be presenting the last issue of its drawing periodical. Fribourg’s metal band Redheads are Vampires will also treat us to one last farewell sonata.

Mashine is a biannual founded in July 2009 by artists in Lausanne. It brings together on average some fifteen artists in short illustrated stories, drawing, photography as well as texts on subjects that without fail end in “-ine”. Photocopied in black and white in A5 format, each copy is hand-bound and numbered. The fanzine has taken part in the International City Zine in Bienne, the Sismic Festival and the Pictobello in Vevey.

fanzine Mashine
Redheads are Vampires
Couverture par Morgane Ischer
Anna Rigamonti
Christian Valleise
Corinne Périsset
Fabien Simon
Milena Buckel
Morgane Ischer
Nicola Sartorio