International contemporary art exhibition < A P O - C A L Y P S E > Exposition Internationale d'Art Contemporain
International Contemporary Art Exhibition
Clarens/Montreux (CH) – 16.11. - 21.12.2012
Hans Op de Beeck
Hans Op de Beeck mixes installations, architecture, drawing, painting, video and writing. His work is particularly centred on the problems of our relation to time and space, and on our lack of identity. He creates fictitious environments and situations in order to show up the absurdity of our post-modern globalised world. He was awarded a residency at the MOMA PS1 in New-York and has exhibited at the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, the Hara Museum in Tokyo, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Drawing Center in New-York, and the Smithonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington.
Born in Turnhout (Belgium) in 1969
Lives and works in Bruxelles

Full HD video transferred to Blu-Ray disc, colour, sound,?4 minutes, 38 seconds (16:9 aspect ratio), 2008
Courtesy Galleria Continua, San Gimignano / Beijing / Le Moulin; Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna; Xavier Hufkens, Brussels; Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York; Galerie Ron Mandos, Rotterdam – Amsterdam